Kulturhaus Milbertshofen
Curt-Mezger-Platz 1
80809 Munich
90 min. + bonus 30 sec.
9 rounds A / 7 rounds B Swiss system
A tournament: for everyone with an Elo of 1900 or higher (only 5 under 1900 will be admitted after testing)
B tournament open to everyone with an Elo below 2000 (all those with a FIDE ID are eligible to participate in B)
A Adults: 100 Euro, Youth (2007 & younger): 70 Euro GM / IM / WGM /WIM no fee, FM / WFM 50 Euro, B Adults: 70 Euro, Youth (2007 & younger): 50 Euro Schachfestival München e.V. IBAN: DE68 7019 0000 0003 3317 50, BIC: GENODEF1M01 oder Paypal: info@schachfestivalmuenchen.de
A Tournament
B Tournament
A-Open or all with Elo 1900 or above (only 5 below 1900 get access)
B-Open for all with Elo below 2000
All players need to register in person before the start of round 1.
The in-person registration takes place for A on Thursday, May 29th
from 8:30 to 9:25 and for B from 15:00 to 15:30.
The victory ceremony takes place immediately after the conclusion
of the final round.