Munich norm tournaments 2025

Get in touch and let us know how we can help.

Munich norm tournaments 2025

June 3rd to June 7th

St. Wolfgang-Platz 1


9 rounds robin system

Time limit

90 min./bonus 30 sec./move


Group 1: For GM's
Group 2: For IM's
Group 3: For GM's

Entry fee

IM-tournament from 2100 to 2450 ELO, 150-550 Euro
GM-tournament from 2200 to 2550, 250-650 Euro

These fees are part of our early bird discount if you book a room and/or other tournament by January 31st.

Register with, Name, tournament, class and Fide-ID Münchner Bank DE68 7019 0000 0003 3317 50 or
via PayPal:

The maximum number of participants is 30, divided into three groups of 10 people each, including GMs and IMs.

Prize fund

Total prize fund 6000 Euro

Further information

Main arbiter: Brugger, Hans


Before the first round, personal registration is required at the venue. Registration will take place on Tuesday, June 3rd from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

The award ceremony will take place immediately after the last round.