Gymnasium Moosach
Gerastraße 6,
80893 München
9 rounds swiss system
90 min./bonus 30 sec./move
A tournament: for everyone with an Elo of 2000 or higher (only 5 under 2000 will be admitted after testing)
B tournament open to everyone with an Elo below 2100
A & B Turnier
Adults: 100(A)/90(B) Euro
Youth (2007 and younger): 80(A)/70(B) Euro
FM: 50 Euro (A & B)
Register with, Name, tournament, class and Fide-ID
Münchner Bank DE68 7019 0000 0003 3317 50 or
via PayPal:
Minimum number of participants 300.
Class A: 110 people
Class B: 80 people
Seniors Open: 60 people
Youth Open: 50 people
International Whitsun Open A Tournament
International Whitsun Open B Tournament
Munich Youth Open
Munich Seniors Open
Total prize fund 20000 Euro
Main arbiter: Blasco de la Cruz, Luis
Before the first round, personal registration is required at the venue. Registration will take place
for A on Sunday, June 08th from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
for Seniors on Sunday, June 08th from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
for B on Sunday, June 08th from 16:00 a.m. to 17:30 a.m.
The award ceremony will take place immediately after the last round.